Piglet Experience

Gannow Farm is home to these cute, playful and friendly piglets. We have adopted all our piggies as they were all orphaned very young. They are cheeky and mischievous and love interacting with our visitors. A piglet experience is a unique opportunity for you and your loved ones. Cuddle up to these babies in their pen while you get to see their individual personalities and are given quality time to spend in the petting area. Don’t forget to take lots of photos and share these with us on our social media pages.

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A mother can give birth to up to 10 Piglets

Each piglet has its own teat and they will search for the same one for every feed.

Pigs like there sleep, especially young piglets they have a lot of growing to do so they do like their rest.

Calves can moo shortly after they are born.

When a pig presses its snout against you or another pig its giving you a kiss! A sign of endearment…aahhhh!!!

Pigs wag their tails when they are happy, see if you can spot ours wagging.